Tiakiwai Conference Centre, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington 6:35 pm, Thursday 7 May 2015.

The AGM was preceded by a presentation from Dr Nicola Daly, current recipient of the Friends’ research grant. Nicola spoke about her research looking at national identity in children’s books, focusing on New Zealand and Australia.

CHAIR: Joan McCracken                                   MINUTES: Chantalle Smith


Seventeen members attended the AGM: Diane Scott, Nancy Hill, Mary Hall, Gail Andrews, Neil Robertson, Barbara Robertson, Sheila Williams, Lynne Jackett, Maria Heenan, Deidre McFarland, Tania Connelly, Fiona Gray, Alison Grant, Mary Hutton, Trevor Mowbray, Mary Skarott, Chantalle Smith.

1. Apologies: Janet Blake, Corrina Gordon, Alan Smith, Kathryn Walls, Dorothy Mitchell, Rosemary Cole, Mary Attwool, Susan Price, Audrey Cooper.

2. Last year’s minutes were circulated and accepted – Lynne Jackett/Mary Skarott.

3. Matters arising from previous minutes. See the presidents report for details.

  • The publication of the Notes-Books-Authors 12.
  • There was a talk held in October 2014 by Jill Shefrin. She discussed the history of children’s literature and book illustration in the 18th century.

4. President’s report

Joan spoke to the report which has been previously circulated. Mary Skarott delivered the research librarian’s portion of the report. The report was accepted–Barbara Robertson/Joan McCracken.

5. Matters arising from the President’s Report

  • There is still no patron. Two authors have been approached. One reluctantly declined, we haven’t has a response yet from the second.
  • If people have not received their copy of Notes-Books-Authors they should let Joan know. If people would like to contribute to the newsletter, they should let Joan know.
  • Lynne  Jackett thanked the committee for their work and the publications.
  • Trevor Mowbray noted Joan going above and beyond with all the work she contributes.


6.Treasurer’s Financial Report

Joan McCracken presented the Financial Report for 2014-2015 on behalf of the treasurer Janet Blake. She notes there has been an uptake on subscription payments made through online. We continue to pay for the post office box as FOTL do not want to share theirs – Joan McCracken/Sheila Williams

7. Matters arising from the Treasurer’s Report

  • Motion to move subscription of $20. Accepted – Lynne Jackett/Alison Grant
  • Fiona Gray raised the question of using the Alexander Turnbull or National Library PO Box number. It was noted there was historically an issue with separating the mail.
  • The grant, which is $2000, is formally offered every two years. If someone was to approach beforehand with a great research idea it could be offered. Next time it will be advertised is 2016.
  • On membership form we should put that we are a charitable trust with the charity number.

Action: Joan to follow up.


8. Election of officers

We have managed for the last year without a President. It is not appropriate for the committee members who are National Library staff members to take on the role of President. The chairing and minuting our committee meetings are rotated. The current committee roles are:

Patron: vacant (see #5 matters arising from the President’s Report)

President: vacant

Treasurer: Jeff Hunt (happy to take the role but will not attend meetings)

Secretary: Corrina Gordon

Newsletter editor: Joan McCracken

Research Librarian, Children’s Literature: Mary Skarott

Committee: Chantalle Smith, Kathryn Walls, Barbara Robertson, Tania Connolly.

It was moved that the committee be elected for 2015-2016. – Joan McCracken/Sheila Williams

9. General Business

No general business was raised.


The meeting closed at 7.27 pm.


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