Auditorium, National Library of New Zealand 6:00pm Thursday 7 July 2005

(Last year’s minutes Minutes of the 8 July 2004 meeting)
(Next year’s minutes Minutes of the 8 July 2006 meeting)

Lynne Jackett, Acting President, welcomed Friends and guests. Twenty-one members and four guests were present.

1. Apologies were received from Mary Atwool, Maryann Dobie, Frances Forsyth, Fiona Kidman, Joan McCracken, Ann Mallinson, Dorothy Mitchell, Trevor Mowbray, Marjorie Pattie (who invites people visiting the Blenheim area to ring her to arrange a visit to the children’s collection at the Renwick Museum, her number is (03)5786466), Kini Piper, Beverley Price, Hugh Price, David Retter, Diane Scott, Roger Swanson and Julie Wright.

2. The Minutes of the 2004 AGM were accepted.
Carrick Lewis / Mary Hutton

3. Matters arising from the 2004 Minutes
Carrick Lewis asked if the Society had been reinstated as an incorporated Society. Lynne assured the meeting that Trevor Mowbray had followed his advice and the Society had been reinstated at no cost.

4. President’s report
The Acting President, Lynne Jackett, presented her Report for the year 2004/2005. To conclude, Lynne thanked the National Library for continuing to allow the Society to hold meetings free-of-charge in the building. She thanked the members of the Society for their continuing interest in the Collection and the various meetings and performances; and all the committee members for their continuing energy and commitment, catering skills and support for the research Librarian.
Lynne Jackett/ Carrick Lewis
The Report was adopted with acclaim.

5. Matters arising from the President’s Report
Margaret Hurst asked when the Dorothy Neal White Collection Display case would be returned to the National Library main foyer. Lynne responded that she was unsure and would make enquiries. Lynne also pointed out that, because the usual case was needed for a forthcoming exhibition in the gallery, there was at present no display.
Barbara Mabbett asked that it be recorded that the meeting authorised the President to write to the Library on behalf of the Friends seeking an assurance that it would honour an earlier promise to provide a display area for the Dorothy Neal White Collection in the main foyer.
Carrick Lewis commended Joan McCracken and Jeff Hunt on their work to establish the Society’s web page. He expressed the belief that the website will help to elevate the Society’s profile generally and inform the public on the working of the Society.

6. Treasurer’s Report 2004
Lynne Jackett presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year 2004/2005 behalf of the Treasurer, Trevor Mowbray. She noted that, as subscriptions for 2005/2006 and donations to the Scholarship Fund were already being received, the low balance for the Achiever Account would soon be boosted.
Lynne Jackett / Barbara Murison
It was moved that the Membership Fee remain at $20.
Lynne Jackett / Barbara Murison

7. Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection Scholarship Report
Joan McCracken had reported that she hoped that, as there is a new appointee to the liaison position at Victoria University of Wellington, there would be more interaction this year. Joan will liaise with the University. Lynne noted that she had promoted the Scholarship both to visiting groups of MLIS students and to the Reference paper students. She also expressed the hope that previous recipients would be able to talk to students about the scholarship.
Barbara Mabbett suggested that, when the agreement with Victoria University expires, the scholarship could be offered to a broader audience as there are many researchers beyond the purely academic field who would welcome support for their projects.

8. Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection Website Report
Jeff Hunt has further developed the website and it is now searchable on Google. Recent Newsletters and Minutes are included on the site. Jeff is keen to receive feedback. Carrick proposed a vote of appreciation and this was adopted with acclaim.
Carrick Lewis / Emma MacDonald

9. Election of Officers
President: Emma MacDonald
Lynne Jackett / Tania Connelly
Treasurer: Trevor Mowbray
Lynne Jackett / Barbara Murison
Committee: Tania Connelly, Audrey Cooper, Kerry Fryer (Secretary), Alison Grant, Mary Hutton, Lynne Jackett (Minutes), Joan McCracken (Newsletter), Barbara Robertson.
The nominations were accepted with acclaim.
The Committee welcomes new member Barbara Robertson.

10. General Business
Lynne gave best wishes to Emma for her tenure as President and to the incoming committee.

The Meeting closed at 6.32pm

The meeting was followed by:

1. An SGM to consider and vote upon proposed changes to the Society’s constitution.
2. Clubs: a Lolly Leopold Story – Kate De Goldi talked about creating the winner of the NZ Post Book of the Year 2005


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