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Thursday 20 June 2024 Friends AGM

We invite you to the 2024 AGM Thursday 20 June 2024
Before the meeting Mary Skarott, Research Librarian Children’s Literature, will show a selection of picture books added to the Dorothy Neal White and National Children’s Collections in the past year.
5.30pm for show and tell
6.00pm drinks and nibbles, followed by AGM
Ground Floor, National Library of New Zealand
Use the Molesworth Street entrance
Gold coin donation from non-members appreciated, new members welcomed
We look forward to seeing you

The image is the cover of: The Alphabet, Set Forth in Six and Twenty Pictures by Monro S. Orr. Published by Collins, 1931 (reprinted 1937).Copy held in the Dorothy Neal White Collection, National Library of New Zealand.

Next Event 19 March 2024Tuesday 19 March 2024, 5:30pm to 7pm
Tiakiwai Seminar Rooms (lower ground floor), National Library, corner Molesworth and Aitken St, Thorndon, Wellington. Entrance on Aitken Street.
As a young boy Arthur Ransome read the works of Robert Louis Stevenson with enthusiasm, and in his mid-20s he was commissioned to write a biography of Stevenson. What happened to that work? In this talk Kirsty Findlay explores how Arthur Ransome’s ‘Stevenson’ was brought to publication one hundred years later than intended.
The speaker, Kirsty N Findlay, graduate of VUW and Cambridge, was a member of the English Department at VUW and the University of Waikato before eventually heading the Drama examiner team at Trinity College London. She mainly lives on a beck in Cumbria where she has planted New Zealand bush within sight of Arthur Ransome’s Kanchenjunga.

Kirsty N Findlay

Mark Your Calendar, Upcoming Event
EKB: Artist and friend

See us on: National Library Event

Thursday 12 October 2023, 5:30pm to 7pm The Auditorium,, National Library, corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Thorndon, Wellington Free. Koha from non-members appreciated.

In this talk, the Director of Katherine Mansfield House & Garden Cherie Jacobson, will introduce the life and work of New Zealand artist Edith Kathleen Bendall (EKB). Today Edith is usually mentioned in the context of her relationship with writer Katherine Mansfield, but in early 20th-century Wellington, Edith was a popular artist and illustrator in her own right.

AGM Wednesday 14 June 2023, 5:30pm to 7:30pm

You are invited to the annual general meeting of the Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection. Before the meeting Mary Skarott, Research Librarian Children’s Literature, will show a selection of hand-coloured books and books with hand-written inscriptions from the Dorothy Neal White Collection

December Event 2022

A Talk by Talia Crockett

Ethical Representations of Trauma
In Young Adult Literature

How can trauma be represented ethically in YA literature? PhD candidate Talia
Crockett’s upcoming dissertation examines a variety of YA novels that explore the
diverse traumas of the Holocaust, postcolonial displacement, and parental abuse,
while also exploring the evolution of trauma theory and the resulting shifts in YA
literature. Talia received a research grant from the Friends of the Dorothy Neal White
Collection in 2021 and has used both the Dorothy Neal White Collection and the

National Children’s Collection as part of her research.

Tuesday 28 February 2023
At the National Library of New Zealand (main entrance)
5:30pm drinks & nibbles

6:00pm Talia’s talk
All welcome, gold coin donation from non-members appreciated

Conference Palmerston North March 2023

An interesting conference by ‘Vintage Children’s Books’
th and 26th March 2023 in Palmerston North
Harry Ricketts will be returning with another view on the work of Antonia Forest with a talk titled “Blood for Breakfast” Friendship, Rules and Racism in Antonia Forest’s End of Term
Other authors to be discussed include Laura Ingalls Wilder, Monica Edwards, Clare Mallory; and topics such as food, sport, ponies, fill-ins, etc.  For further details and to register, go to the website:

The Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection invite you to a special end-if the-year event to

Monday 5 December 2022
At the National Library of New Zealand (main entrance)
5:30pm Seasonal drinks & nibbles
6:00pm Readings by FDNWC committee members on
the theme of summertime.
All very welcome


Authors in Conversation

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Join award-winning children’s book author Juliette MacIver and award-winning illustrator Giselle Clarkson in conversation at Schrödinger’s Books this Thursday. Juliette and Giselle will be talking about their new books, and copies (and tea towels) will be available for purchase.

Schrödinger’s Books
137 Jackson St, Petone, Lower Hutt

AGM Thursday 9 June 2022

The Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection invite you to the
2022 AGM
Thursday 9 June 2022
Before the meeting Mary Skarott, Research Librarian Children’s Literature, will show a sample of books added to the National Children’s Collection during the past year, focusing mainly on books in translation ..flyer..

We are back in Business with a fascinating talk

Kathryn Wall’s talk is confirmed for Tuesday 10 May at 12:10pm in the Programme Rooms on the ground floor. ..Flyer..

No one is angry today / by Toon Tellegen; illustrated by Marc Boutavant; translated by David Colmer. Wellington: Gecko Press, 2021

4.30pm for show and tell
(Come to the Lilburn Room, Level 1 reading room, National Library of New Zealand)
5.00pm drinks and nibbles, followed by AGM
(Ground Floor, National Library of New Zealand)
Use the Molesworth Street entrance
Please note that you must wear a mask while you are at the Library
Gold coin donation from non-members appreciated, new members welcomed

We look forward to seeing you there

R.S.V.P. to


There are events by people who write for children at ComicFest
ComicFest 2022 is Saturday 7 May — and this year will be fully online! Join us on YouTube and watch the livestream on the day.
Find the full programme below. ComicFest is a joint venture between Wellington City Libraries and the National Library of New Zealand.

Congratulations Diana Noonan

CONFERENCE: The Power of Stories – 38th IBBY International Congress, PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA , 5-8 September 2022 ..more..

Science & picture books

Science through picture books. A webinar with Nicola Daly and Greta Dromgool *ONLINE* | Glean Report

The Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection invite you to the 2021 AGM
Thursday 3 June 2021

Before the meeting Mary Skarott, Research Librarian Children’s Literature, will show a sample of books from a recent significant donation
A trip to Mars / by Fenton Ash ; illustrated by W.H.C. Groome. London: W.&R. Chambers, 1909.
5.30pm for drinks and nibbles, 5.50pm show and tell, followed by AGM
Ground Floor, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington
(Use the Molesworth Street entrance)
Gold coin donation from non-members appreciated, new members welcomed
We look forward to seeing you there
R.S.V.P. to

Obituary for Beverly Cleary

We record with regret the death of Beverly Cleary

Read the press obituary

Tonight: National Library Wellington

The Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection

invite you to a talk by

Hannah Parry

Hannah is the author of The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep, A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians. She gained her PhD in English Literature at Victoria University writing about children’s fantasy and the epic tradition before becoming a full-time writer.

The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep, Hannah’s first novel, is set in Wellington and tells the story of two adult brothers, the elder a determinedly normal lawyer, the younger a Dickens scholar with the magical and often inconvenient ability to read fictional characters out of books and into the real world. The book is adult fantasy, but it grew from Hannah’s long-standing interest in children’s books, both as an academic and as a reader. In her talk Hannah will discuss the themes and characters from children’s books that made it into her own book, and how a PhD in children’s books turned into writing a children’s book for adults.


Before Hannah’s talk Talia Crockett, this year’s FDNW research grant recipient, will give a brief introduction to her topic:

Ethical representations of trauma in young adult literature

Talia is a PhD researcher at Victoria University.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

5.30 pm for drinks and nibbles, 5.50 pm talks

Ground Floor, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington

(Use the Molesworth Street entrance)

Gold coin donation from non-members appreciated, new members welcomed

We look forward to seeing you there