The Society of Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection Incorporated
The Display Case
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In the DNW Display Case
This display of children’s counting books from the National Children’s Collection is on display in the National Library on Level 1. — at National Library of New Zealand.
Sendak’s story about Johnny and his visitors presents the numbers 1 to 10 in ascending order as they arrive and descending order as they depart.
Sendak, Maurice. ‘One was Johnny: a counting book’.
New York: Harper & Row
(Part of The Nutshell Library) — at National Library of New Zealand.
Fourteen different kinds of birds come to rest in the nickle nackle tree in ever increasing numbers, and then disaster strikes.
Dodd, Lynley. ‘The nickle nackle tree’.
London: Hamish Hamilton
1976 — at National Library of New Zealand.
This bilingual counting book introduces numbers and vocabulary in te reo Māori and English. Dodd, Lynley. ‘Hairy Maclary and friends 123’. Auckland, N.Z.: Puffin 2019 — at National Library of New Zealand.
Black dots incorporated into illustrations introduce the numbers from 1 to 10.
Crews, Donald. ‘Ten black dots’.
New York: Greenwillow Books
(Redesigned and revised ed. Originally published 1968) — at National Library of New Zealand.
An example of the simplest type of counting book, matching numbers with objects. Oxenbury, Helen. ‘Numbers of things’. London: Heineman 1967 — at National Library of New Zealand.
Tells the story of life on Brown Cow Farm from winter to springtime, with animals to count on each page. Ipcar, Dahlov. ‘Brown Cow Farm: a counting book’. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday c1959 — at National Library of New Zealand.
Eric Carle’s timeless picture book uses a story to introduce counting and other concepts. Carle, Eric. ‘The very hungry caterpillar’. London: Hamish Hamilton 1970 (First published: New York: World Pub. Co., 1969) — at National Library of New Zealand.