Auditorium, National Library of New Zealand 6:00pm Thursday 8 July 2004
(Next year’s minutes Minutes of the 7 July 2005 meeting)
Tania Connelly, President, welcomed Friends and guests. Thirty-one members were present.
Apologies were received from the National Librarian (Penny Carnaby), Mary Atwool, Maryann Dobie, Ann Mallinson, Beverley Price, Caroline Campbell, Kate de Goldi and Jenny Zwart.
The Minutes of the 2003 AGM were accepted.
Tania Connelly / Alison Grant
Matters arising from the 2003 Minutes
There were no matters arising from the Minutes.
President’s report
The President, Tania Connelly, presented a Report for the year 2003/2004.
To conclude, Tania thanked the National Library for continuing to allow the Society to hold meetings free-of-charge in the building. She thanked the members of the Society for their continuing interest in the Collection and the various meetings and performances; and all the committee members for their continuing energy and commitment.
Tania Connelly / Lynne Jackett
The Report was adopted with acclaim.
Matters arising from the President’s Report
Carrick Lewis thanked the Committee and the President and commended the quality of the most recent Newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report 2004
The Treasurer, Trevor Mowbray, presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year 2003 / 2004.
He noted that he has already started receiving subscriptions for 2004/2005 and also donations to the Scholarship Fund.
Question: Does a donation to the Scholarship Fund count for a tax deduction?
Answer: We believe so – and it is indicated on the receipt that it is a donation.
Question: With reference to the term deposit, would it be better to amalgamate accounts?
Answer: This is in effect being done.
The Treasurer reported that the Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection is no longer incorporated. Trevor noted that he had contacted IRD in 2000 and it was agreed that the Society no longer had to submit annual returns, and a certificate was issued to that effect. However, the Society does still need to submit returns to the Registrar of Societies. Trevor will now take the appropriate steps for the Society to be re-incorporated.
Trevor Mowbray / Carrick Lewis
It was moved that the Membership Fee remain at $20.
Trevor Mowbray / Barbara Murison
Election of Officers
Trevor proposed that we re-elect Margaret Mahy as our Patron. The proposal was carried by acclaim.
President: Julie EberlyLynne Jackett / Joan McCrackenSecretary: Kerry FryerJoan McCracken / Lynne Jackett
Committee: Tania Connelly, Audrey Cooper, Alison Grant, Mary Hutton, Lynne Jackett (Minutes), Joan McCracken (Newsletter), Emma MacDonald, Trevor Mowbray (Treasurer).
Tania Connelly had tendered her resignation from the position of President prior to the meeting, but indicated her willingness to remain a Committee member. Kate de Goldi resigned from the Committee.
Scholarship Report
Miranda Turner indicated that the Scholarship was advertised in the appropriate places. An invitation has been received for a Committee member to attend an event at Victoria University of Wellington to celebrate those who donate scholarships.
Proposal to extend the scope of the Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection to include support for the National Children’s and Susan Price Collections The meeting discussed the proposal detailed in Newsletter 32. Trevor Mowbray stressed that we do not want to cut across the role of any other existing society with an interest in current resources and activities for children. We would retain our focus on historical children’s literature and the National Library of New Zealand collections. While informal discussions have already taken place, we would need to consult formally with the National Library and Susan Price. A change to the constitution could be made without cost.
Proposal: That the incoming Committee considers various options with regard to changing the name of the Society, broadening the objectives and any legal implications, and that a Special General Meeting be convened to consider the consequences. Carrick Lewis / Susan Price
Susan Price thanked Trevor for proposing the idea and expressed her approval of the proposal, saying she would appreciate knowing there is ongoing support for her collection. She did not expect any additional cost would be involved.
Kerry Fryer read an email from Mary Atwool in support of the proposal and with a recommendation for changed wording.
The proposal was carried unanimously.
Proposal to create an independent website for the Friends of the Dorothy Neal White Collection
Joan McCracken demonstrated a prototype website developed by Jeff Hunt. The web site includes all of the information from the Friends’ flyer, with the addition of links to The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography entry for Dorothy Ballantyne and to the Research Librarian’s email.
Norrina Lewis highly commended Joan and her partner for developing the website. Proposal to further develop and register the website.
Joan McCracken / Emma MacDonald
General Business
Carrick Lewis suggested it was preferable to be reinstated as an incorporated society rather than having to apply to be re-incorporated, and asked whether any action had been taken to be re-instated. Trevor was told by the Companies Office to just reapply, but he will try again for re-instatement.
Joan asked whether we needed to have an auditor verify the accounts. Trevor explained that honorary auditors are now very hard to find as they are now personally liable, auditing would cost approximately $2,000 and that auditors only look at the process not the figures. A lawyer has suggested that the best auditors are the members. What we send to the Registrar is the balance sheet and there is no legal requirement to have it audited.
Proposed that we continue with unaudited accounts.
Susan Price / Alison Elliott
Lynne acknowledged Susan Price’s generous award to Kate de Goldi to write a book on children’s literature and congratulated her on the success of the event to mark the award.
Tania gave best wishes to Julie for her tenure as President and to the incoming committee.
The Meeting closed at 7:05pm
The meeting was followed by an illustrated talk, “Here, there… and back again!”, by Lynne Jackett about her overseas travels and recent project work on the collections.